Leading in a Lonely World
Leading in a Lonely World
Meet Maryanne Spatola: A Leader Making a Difference Every Day
Join us for an inspiring conversation with Maryanne Spatola, NYU professor and consultant, who thrives at helping employers align talent and strategy to create business optimization. She began her consulting practice after achieving the top position in HR, Chief HR Officer, in order to help more employers achieve their best. Her practice focuses on HR strategy, leadership development and individual coaching around topics such as: the future of work and what it takes to lead in the modern world. In talking about the “Great Resignation,” she often asks her clients: “What reason did you give your employees to stay?” Where clients fumble through this question, Maryanne helps them align with strategies to meet this challenge. Maryanne has long been a leader in promoting women to top leadership positions and keeping them there. She is part of Chief, one of the fastest growing start-ups in the market aimed at empowering women to claim their superpowers and step into positions of power. I know you will enjoy Maryanne’s brand of empathy, analytics, and reality based pragmatism on our latest episode of “Leading in a Lonely World: Conversations with Transformative Leaders.”
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